Past reports

We are fortunate to be involved in a wide variety of projects looking at the experience of children and young people in Surrey. For past reports, we have gathered views on important topics including physical and mental health, attitudes toward the Police, and the impact of COVID-19. By sharing the views of young people, we support sector professionals to find ways which they can improve their experiences of growing up in Surrey.


The Big Chat

In January 2018, over 60 professionals with experience of working with children and young people attended ‘The Big Chat’ – a workshop to discuss this complex issue and to agree a new direction for young people’s mental health and wellbeing in Surrey. Our report pulls together the findings from this workshop and sets out tangible steps for improvement.

Read the report

Past Reports

Engaging under-represented young people in physical activity

We all know that regular physical activity is paramount to young people’s health and wellbeing. It has been widely reported that under-represented groups, including young people from disadvantaged communities, those from ethnic minority backgrounds and girls, find it difficult to engage with formal with sport and are significantly less likely to participate in physical activity than their peers.

Our report looks at how to engage these  can be significantly more physically active, benefitting their mental and physical health.

Read the report

Engaging under-represented young people in physical activity 

We all know that regular physical activity is paramount to young people’s health and wellbeing. It has been widely reported that under-represented groups, including young people from disadvantaged communities, those from ethnic minority backgrounds and girls, find it difficult to engage with formal with sport and are significantly less likely to participate in physical activity than their peers.

Our report looks at how to engage these  can be significantly more physically active, benefitting their mental and physical health.

Read the report

We all know that regular physical activity is paramount to young people’s health and wellbeing. It has been widely reported that under-represented groups, including young people from disadvantaged communities, those from ethnic minority backgrounds and girls, find it difficult to engage with formal with sport and are significantly less likely to participate in physical activity than their peers.

Our report looks at how to engage these  can be significantly more physically active, benefitting their mental and physical health.

Read the report

Research on behalf of Surrey Police

We work closely with Surrey Police to collaborate on projects and help them to find the best ways to establish good relationships with young people.

Read the report
Past Reports

Research on behalf of Surrey Police 

We work closely with Surrey Police to collaborate on projects and help them to find the best ways to establish good relationships with young people.

Read the report
Past Reports

Supporting Youth Social Action in Surrey

Youth Social Action is all about young people doing something positive to make a difference to others in their community. Previous projects we have supported clearly demonstrate the benefits that this kind of work brings to young people. Coming up with their own ideas for a project and turning them into reality helps them to learn develop new skills like problem solving, team work and leadership, all of which are valuable for whatever they go on to do.

Read the report

COVID-19 Voice Reports

In partnership with statutory agencies, Surrey Youth Focus and organisations across the third sector have listened to the experience, hopes and fears of 199 children, young people and families during the pandemic. We have compiled three reports based on the findings of these which provide areas for reflection in order to guide strategy and practice.
Overall findings show:

  • One size doesn’t fit all – children and families have all been impacted differently.
  • Relationships were really important – many appreciated having time with family but others struggled and many missed social contact with friends (despite technology making contact possible remotely).
  • Education was a theme – some children thrived on home learning, while others couldn’t wait to return to school. Many were worried about falling behind and the impact this would have on exams.
  • Anxiety and mental health concerns was a strong theme – focusing on COVID-19 and the associated risks, and school – peer pressure, falling behind and transition.
  • Concerns about activities – many children and young people enjoyed exercise and hobbies, but many families were anxious about going out after lockdown, even to do everyday activities like going shopping or back to school in case they caught COVID or spread it amongst family.

There are three reports available to read:

COVID-19 Voice Report – Listening to Children and Young People in Surrey
COVID-19 Voice Report – Listening to Parents with Young Children in Surrey
COVID-19 Voice Report – Listening to Children and Young People with SEND and their Families

Supporting Youth Social Action

Youth Social Action is all about young people doing something positive to make a difference to others in their community. Previous projects we have supported clearly demonstrate the benefits that this kind of work brings to young people. Coming up with their own ideas for a project and turning them into reality helps them to learn develop new skills like problem solving, team work and leadership, all of which are valuable for whatever they go on to do.

Read the report

Covid-19 voice Reports

In partnership with statutory agencies, Surrey Youth Focus and organisations across the third sector have listened to the experience, hopes and fears of 199 children, young people and families during the pandemic. We have compiled three reports based on the findings of these which provide areas for reflection in order to guide strategy and practice.
Overall findings show:

  • One size doesn’t fit all – children and families have all been impacted differently.
  • Relationships were really important – many appreciated having time with family but others struggled and many missed social contact with friends (despite technology making contact possible remotely).
  • Education was a theme – some children thrived on home learning, while others couldn’t wait to return to school. Many were worried about falling behind and the impact this would have on exams.
  • Anxiety and mental health concerns was a strong theme – focusing on COVID-19 and the associated risks, and school – peer pressure, falling behind and transition.
  • Concerns about activities – many children and young people enjoyed exercise and hobbies, but many families were anxious about going out after lockdown, even to do everyday activities like going shopping or back to school in case they caught COVID or spread it amongst family.

There are three reports available to read:

COVID-19 Voice Report – Listening to Children and Young People in Surrey
COVID-19 Voice Report – Listening to Parents with Young Children in Surrey
COVID-19 Voice Report – Listening to Children and Young People with SEND and their Families