3rd Sector SEND Network
This network is led by, and open to, all charities and community organisations supporting children and young people with SEND/Additional Needs up to the age of 25yrs.
The aims of this network are to:
– Hear from children, young people and families with SEND/additional needs to build the understanding of need and support effective decision making.
– Learn from good practice, both locally and further afield.
– Raise awareness of organisations/charities working with children, young people and their families with SEND/additional needs in Surrey.
– Reach communities to enable better access to services.
– Identify opportunities for partnerships, collaborations and commentary.
– Highlight training and development opportunities for the sector.
– Provide SEND representation on strategic boards and transformation groups.
– Provide a forum to bring issues and concerns to be escalated to the SEND Partnership Board and other forums.
– Improve the outcomes and experience for children and young people who have SEND/additional needs and their families.
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