Current collaborations
We have a number of current projects which we are collaborating on with third and public sector partners.
Current collaborations
We have a number of current projects which we are collaborating on with third and public sector partners.
Care Experienced webinar
Surrey Heartlands, Career Matters and SYF hosted 50+ colleagues at the first briefing for the new Care Experienced pilot. The pilot is one of ten pilots within an ICB (Integrated Care Board) nationally focusing on increasing employment opportunities for care experience young people in Surrey, and is part of the wider Universal Family Care Leavers Covenant. The Surrey pilot is due to run until March 2024, with the aim to help 25+ care experienced leavers, aged 16-25, into Health and Social apprenticeships (the aspiration is to develop long term career pathways).
The aim for this initial briefing was to widen understanding of need, the pilot and build a collective passion to get involved – either as an employer or as a partner that supports care experienced young people. This commitment has been reinforced by partners across sectors signing up to pledge their involvement.

East Surrey Speed Dating
Over 65 colleagues from across, Health, Children’s Services, Third Sector and Education came together for a day of “speed dating”, new connections and myth busting – specifically for colleagues who support children, young people and families with additional needs and disabilities in East Surrey. This creative and unique event modelled a new ways of working in an integrated system being co-designed and delivered as a collaboration between Surrey CC, Surrey Youth Focus, NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB – East Surrey, First Community/Children Family Health Surrey, and Family Voice Surrey.
“Eye opening”; “Enlightening”; “Solutions focused – powerful practice.”
“Collaborative, energising, thought provoking.”
“So many conversations, new contacts and colleagues.”
[I will…] “Invest in the connections I have made today that will help children and young people.”
“As a result of today, I have the confidence to reach out and work with other colleagues, not just those in my organisation.”
Emotionally Based School Non Attendance
We are working with Surrey County Council and many other organisations to improve outcomes for children suffering from Emotionally Based School Non-Attendance. More information can be found here
Surrey Youth Focus initiated and co-led the creation of Surrey’s Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Alliance response to an NHS England request for the VCSE to be a “strategic partner in shaping, improving and delivering services and developing and delivering plans to tackle the wider determinants of health.” SYF is working as part of an Interim Leadership Group of eleven third sector leaders setting up the Surrey VCSE Alliance. We are developing the concept of Portfolio Leaders – ‘go to people’ – who know their areas of the VCSE and can play a linking role with the public sector.