Coffee and Chat – Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Our next Coffee and Chat session will be on Tuesday 18th July, 12.00-1.30pm on Zoom.
This session is supported by Beat, the Community Eating Disorders Team and other Surrey children system partners.
Join us and be part of the conversation as we explore, discover and learn more about;
1. Eating disorder vs disordered eating
2. Top 10 tips for supporting a CYPF, helpful guides/signposting
3. Opportunity for breakout sessions with further conversations on eating disorders, disordered eating, healthy eating and obesity & ARFID and sensory issues
**We will be recording and distributing this session should you not be able to attend online on the day – please email info@surreyyouthfocus.org.uk to register for this.
Coffee and Chats are informal lunchtime sessions open to everyone working with children, young people and their families. We typically invite our charity and/or public sector colleagues to come and share their experiences in a particular area, before opening up to Q&A and discussion.