Inclusion in the Community

Creating an inclusive environment for children and young people in Surrey

Surrey Youth Focus are collaborating on a number of initiatives to enhance understanding around ‘what it means to be inclusive’, particularly if a child or young person has an additional need or disability. Through our Community Inclusion initiatives we explore with partners how we can enable more settings to be inclusive by sharing good practice and building understanding.

We also play an independent role within the Surrey Additional Needs and Disabilities partnership board, bringing our collaborative approach to the fore to help nurture how we work together for better outcomes and measure the difference we work.

Communities of Practice (CoPs) are another key part of how we deliver a collaborative approach to exploring themes together for better outcomes. Under the Mental Health Investment Fund (MIHF) we have developed CoPs around better supporting the needs of children and young people with ND (Neuro-divergent) – within Surrey Downs, East Surrey (North-West to follow)

“It was energising, interesting and interesting well delivered and planned. Thoughtful discussions and loved the reflection and discussion elements of the day! Thank you”

Co-Production: Is it worth it? Attendee

“Thank you very much for organising! Great to see such a wealth of knowledge being shared across the system!!”

Senior Programme Manager, Surrey Heartlands

Summit: Co-Production: Is it worth it?

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Inclusion Confident Communities

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Community of Practice – ND

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Emotionally Based School Non Attendance – collaboration work

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Additional Needs and Disabilities Board-collaboration work

Coming soon