Speed Dating

Do you work with children with additional needs and disabilities? Would you find it helpful to meet others who also work in East Surrey and build a picture of services & resources available in your community? Do you have ideas or problems others could help you solve?

Tuesday 7 November    |    10.30am – 2.30pm
11 Woodhatch Rd, Cockshott Hill, Reigate, RH2 8EF

Opportunity to find out who’s who

Share information about local support services

Build relationships across local health, care and community partners

Full Agenda

9.45 – 10.30  Arrival and Warm Introduction 


All – please arrive by 10.15 
10.30 – 10.40  Welcome and outline of the day 
  • Jenny Brickell, Assistant Director Children with Disabilities Surrey County Council 
  • Cate Newnes-Smith, CEO Surrey Youth Focus 
10.40 – 10.52  CONNECT 

part 1 


I know that by connecting and working with colleagues in other agencies and disciplines I am supported and better able to meet a family’s needs holistically. 



Advice and Signposting – who can help you 

  • LSPA 
  • Community Connector – Local offer/FIS 
  • Social Prescribing 
  • Mindworks AAT 
  • CFHS – advice line 
  • Family Voice 
  • Send Advice Surrey (post event slide only) 
10.52 – 11.30  CONNECT 

Part 2 

Who do I link with, reflect with, learn from? 


Speed dating – you will meet colleagues from different teams 1:2:1 in this time! Please come prepared to share 2.5mins introduce yourself, your work area and anything people can help you with. 
11.30 – 11.40  Movement/comfort break 
11.40 – 12.20  BELONG 


By respecting and listening to colleagues’ perspectives, as well as finding ways for my own expertise to be heard, I can help create a team and network where everyone feels they belong, safe and valued by one another. 


Many parts make a whole. 

Multi-agency working – meeting the needs of a child/family 

We need to build and understand our strengths and those of our colleagues, to know how they shine, belong and feel part of a team. 

12.20 – 12.30  Morning summary 


Sandra Morrison – Assistant Director Inclusion and Additional Needs (IAN) – South East 
12.30 – 13.00  Working Lunch  Buddy bench – we will be on hand to introduce you to colleagues  

Who can help me – task below 

13.00 – 13.15 





I know that one of the best ways to make relationships with my colleagues is by making space and prioritising time for us to listen to each other and share ideas. 


Through working together we can develop trust in our colleagues and be trusted to make the right decisions with the families we work with. 




Peer Consulting – Can you help or make suggestions to any of the following challenges brought by your fellow East Surrey colleagues?  

  • Who can help me set up a parent support group in Hurst Green 
  • How can we get the word out about our East Surrey Place CYP survey 
  • How can we get the word out about the new keyworker service and the dynamic support register 
  • What support is available in the community for emotionally based school non attenders? 
  • Can anyone point me to support for Foetal alcohol syndrome? 
  • Who can help with a dedicated Mental health support for children with disabilities families? 
  • Can anyone offer therapeutic support for parents who are struggling to accept/come to terms, that their child has a disability? 
  • Are there any parenting programmes for children with specific disabilities I.e. PDA etc 
  • What holiday clubs/camps for children with disabilities – particularly those who need 1:1 support? 
  • Are there any mentors that specifically help disabled children gain independent living skills I.e. how to use washing machine, use money, go to the shop etc 
  • I am keen to engage with organisations that work on behalf of young people as we are looking to reshape how we deliver post-16 travel assistance (16-18 and 19-25 yrs) for young people who hold an Education, Health and Care Plan. Who can help? 

Or please bring and share something you would like colleagues to help you with! 

13.15- 14.00  BELIEVE 


Do I believe I have all I need to feel more confident in my role and do my job to my very best? 




Panel members briefings on following : 

This part of the agenda offers colleagues the tools in their toolkit to support children and families in a consistent way. So that across our system we have a common understanding/knowledge of what is available and/or the current position/myth busting to some those FAQ’s! 

We hope this session will create a sense that we are all part of a single system including children and families, and through a values approach where there is better understanding of each other pressures, and we can show each other kindness. 


  • ND wait times and what to do while waiting, Mental health support and crisis numbers (Mindworks) 
  • Children with Disabilities Service, Social care assessment, direct payment, PA, contacts (social worker) 
  • Community support inc short breaks/Club4 (YMCA East Surrey) 
  • Meeting the needs of CYP at PLACE (East Surrey Place) 
  • Transitions/ preparing for adulthood / personal care for Post-16 young people (CFHS) 
  • LDA Keyworker service and DSR (Keyworker serivce) 
  • Ordinarily available, EHCP update, Team Around the School (Inclusion) 




14.00 – 14.20  HOPE 

How can we achieve the potential of today ? How can we feel hopeful for ourselves and the families we work with? 

Strengthening our network 

How do you hope coming together today has helped improve the outcomes for children, young people and their families 

Next steps – Who have you met, how will you share contacts, knowledge and learning with your team?  

14.20 -14.30  Closing remarks    
14.30 -15.30  Informal networking  We would love you to stay as long as you can to connect further with colleagues 😊 we will even get out some more biscuits!!! 
This event has now SOLD OUT. Join our waitlist