Co-production: Is it worth it?
Learning from Short Breaks

“It was energising, interesting and interesting well delivered and planned. Thoughtful discussions and loved the reflection and discussion elements of the day! Thank you” Attendee

Surrey Youth Focus collaborated with the Short Breaks team to deliver this interactive event, sharing learning from the Short Breaks co-production initiative. We were joined by 38 colleagues from across Surrey representing both public and third sector organisations, with 13 colleagues helping to co-design the session bringing their experience of co-production from different settings – with thanks to SCC Resident Intelligence Unit, Surrey Wellbeing Partnership . The event provided an opportunity to share and discuss the outputs, learning and outcomes from the project, and how we can use this learning to develop and embed effectives approaches to co-production more widely in how we develop and deliver services and strategies for families. On the event evaluation question asking if this attend Will influence and inform your work moving forward’ the average score was 8.6 out of 10.

Supporting resources

  • Slides shared on the day – click here
  • Supporting resources for further learning – click here